links to deep-sea livestreams


NOAA Okeanos explorer Live

A wonderful livestream from NOAA that features some extremely deep dives and wonderful imagery on invertebrates and vertebrates alike. If you're interested in the very deep, this is the stream for you. They will also variously focus on midwater transects after being on the bottom. The scientists on this dive try to be as educational as possible to online viewers.

If they aren't currently diving, they will have information posted about when the next dive will occur.


This is a very fun livestream. Lots of specimen sampling and activity. This stream focuses less on specific imagery and zooms of invertebrates and vertebrates and seems to move at a faster pace. The dives don't seem to be quite as deep as some performed by Okeanos. A great livestream overall.

If they aren't currently diving, they will have information posted about when the next dive will occur.


A wonderful well-rounded livestream that focuses on biology, geology, and archaeology. These expeditions focus more on areas of hot thermal vents, geological hazard sites, and much more. Scientists on the Nautilus are constantly collecting samples of all sorts. 

Their main webpage includes constantly updated information about depth, temperature, and speed. If they aren't currently diving, they will have information posted about when the next dive will occur.