Updated 7-22-2021
Master of Science - May 2017
Emphasis: Ecology and Natural Resources
St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN
Bachelor of Science – December 2014
Major: Ecology and Field Biology (Natural Resources Emphasis)
St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN
Associate of Arts – May 2012
Liberal Arts and Sciences
Century College, White Bear Lake, MN
2021: Graduate Curatorial Assistant for the Biodiversity Institute Ichthyology Collection, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Supervisors: Leo Smith, Andrew Bentley
2020-2021: Graduate Curatorial/Research Assistant, Digitization of trilobite specimens for the Biodiversity Institute Invert. Paleo Collection and analysis of trilobites using geometric morphometrics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Supervisors: Bruce Lieberman, Natalia Lopez Carranza
2019: Fisheries Aid, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism — Fisheries division, Perry Lake, Kansas. Supervisor: Nick Kramer
2015 - 2017: Graduate Research Assistant, Studying the evolution of deep-sea fishes for NSF deep-sea grant, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Supervisor: Matt Davis
2015 - 2017: Graduate Research Assistant, Identification of larval fishes of North America, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Supervisor: Matt Davis
2014: Fisheries Management Intern, Department of Natural Resources – Fisheries Division Glenwood, Minnesota. Supervisor: Jerry Wendlandt
2013, 2014: Undergraduate Researcher, Sailfin Molly Research, Department of Biology, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Supervisor: Shelly Elfelt
2007: Watercraft Inspector Intern, Department of Natural Resources, Minnesota
2020: Instructor for Evolutionary Biology, Upward Bound UNITE, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Principles of Biology (BIOL 100), Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Supervisors: Trevor Rivers, Tara Marriage
2019: Graduate Teaching Assistant for Introduction to Systematics (BIOL 428), Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Supervisors: Kirsten Jensen, Michael Engel
Graduate Teaching Assistant for Principles of Biology (BIOL 100), Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Supervisors: Trevor Rivers, Tara Marriage
2018: Graduate Teaching Assistant for Principles of Biology (BIOL 100), Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Supervisors: Kris Holder, Tara Marriage
2015, 2016: Graduate Teaching Assistant for Organismal Diversity (BIOL 152), Department of Biology, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Supervisors: Neal Voelz, Jorge Arriagada
2015: Graduate Teaching Assistant for Ornithology (BIOL 324), Department of Biology, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota. Supervisor: Marco Restani
2013, 2014: Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for Zoology (BIOL 308), Department of Biology, St. Cloud State University St Cloud, Minnesota. Supervisor: Anthony Marcattilio
• Lerner-Gray Marine Research Grant ($2,841), American Museum of Natural History
• Deep-sea Biology Symposium Online Travel Award
• Cashner Award ($1,000), American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
• Summer Research Award ($3,500), University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute and Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
• Vice Provost’s Graduate Retention Fund ($500), University of Kansas
• Panorama Grant ($1,000), University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute
• Doctoral Student Research Fund ($1,500), The University of Kansas, Graduate Studies
• Summer Travel Scholarship ($250), Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Organization, University of Kansas
• AMNH Collection Study Grant ($900), The American Museum of Natural History, Richard Gilder Graduate School
• Summer Research Award ($2,000), University of Kansas, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
• Graduate Scholarly Presentation Travel Fund ($500), University of Kansas, Graduate Studies
• Student Collections Study Award ($1,250), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
• Friday Harbor Laboratories Financial Aid ($1,400), University of Washington
• Summer Research Award ($3,000), University of Kansas Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
• KUW4KUW ($500), University of Kansas
• Ida Hyde Scholarship ($2,000), University of Kansas
• University Graduate Fellowship ($28,621), University of Kansas
• The Society of Systematic Biologists Graduate Student Research Award ($1,300), The Society of Systematic Biologists
• Student Research Fund ($986), St. Cloud State University
• Edward C. Raney Grant ($800), American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
• Student Research Fund ($726), St. Cloud State University
• Jerry Wolff Biology Graduate Student Enrichment Fund ($650), St. Cloud State University
• George W. Friedrich Wildlife Protection Fund ($1,000), St. Cloud State University
• Charles Rehwaldt Endowment for the Biological Sciences ($300), St. Cloud State University
• Lerner-Gray Marine Research Grant ($2,500), American Museum of Natural History
• Travel Grant for Society of Systematic Biologists Workshop ($500), The Society of Systematic Biologists
• Travel Grant for the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists ($600), American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
• Jerry Wolff Biology Graduate Student Enrichment Fund ($1,800), St. Cloud State University
• Student Research Fund ($675), St. Cloud State University
• Harold & Gladys Hopkins Endowed Scholarship ($1000), St. Cloud State University
• Al Grewe Memorial Scholarship ($750), St. Cloud State University
• St. Cloud State Scholarship ($600), St. Cloud State University
• Harold & Gladys Hopkins Endowed Scholarship ($1000), St. Cloud State University
Maile, A. J., May, Z. A., DeArmon, E. S., Martin, R. P., & Davis, M. P. (2020). Marine Habitat Transitions and Body-Shape Evolution in Lizardfishes and Their Allies (Aulopiformes). Copeia, 108, 820–832.
Martin, R.P., and Davis, M. P. (2020). The evolution of specialized dentition in the deep‐sea lanternfishes (Myctophiformes). Journal of Morphology. 281, 536–555.
Martin, R.P., Olson, E.E., Girard, M.G., Smith, W.L., and Davis, M.P. (2018). Light in the Darkness: New Perspective on Lanternfish Relationships and Classification Using Genomic and Morphological Data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 121, 71–85.
Smith, W.L., Buck, C.A., Ornay, G.S., Davis, M.P., Martin, R.P., Gibson, S.Z., and Girard, M.G. (2018) Improving Vertebrate Skeleton Images: Fluorescence and the Non-Permanent Mounting of Cleared-and-Stained Specimens. Copeia. 106, 427-435.
Martin, R.P., and Davis, M.P. (2016). Patterns of Phenotypic Variation in the Mouth Size of Lanternfishes (Teleostei: Myctophiformes). Copeia. 104, 795-807.
Martin, R.P. A Dive into Deep-sea Fish Diversity and the Growing Work of Early Career Scientists. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Phoenix, Arizona, July 2021 (Hybrid Meeting). Invited Symposia Speaker.
Martin, R.P. The Role of Phylogeny in the Evolution of Body Shape of Lanternfishes (Myctophiformes). 3 Minute Thesis, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, November 2019. Oral Presentation, Finalist.
Martin, R.P., Dias, A., Summers, A., & Gerringer, M. Assessment of Bone Density Reduction within Deep-Sea Grenadiers (Macrouridae). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Snowbird, Utah, July 2019. Oral Presentation
Martin, R.P., Dias, A., Summers, A., & Gerringer, M. Variations in Bone Density within Deep-Sea Grenadiers (Macrouridae). Annual Meeting for The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology, Tampa, Florida, January 2019. Oral Presentation.
Martin, R.P. The Role of Phylogeny in the Evolution of Body Shape of Lanternfishes (Myctophiformes). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Rochester, New York, July 2018. Oral Presentation.
Martin, R.P. & Davis, M.P. Repeated Evolution of Heterodonty in Lanternfishes (Teleostei: Myctophiformes). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Austin, Texas, July 2017. Poster Presentation.
Smith, W.L., Buck, C., Gibson, S., Davis, M.P., Martin, R.P., Girard, M. Techniques for the Improved Visualization of Vertebrate Anatomy. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Austin, Texas, July 2017. Poster Presentation.
Martin, R.P. Relationships of Lanternfishes: A Phylogenomic Approach Using Ultraconserved Elements. Student Research Colloquium, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, April 2017. Oral Presentation
Martin, R.P. Morphological Variance in the Dentition on the Oral Jaws in Lanternfishes (Teleostei: Myctophiformes). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 2016. Oral Presentation
Martin, R.P. Evolution of Jaw Length and Dentition Variation in Deep-sea Lanternfishes (Teleostei: Myctophiformes). Student Research Colloquium, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, April 2016. Oral Presentation
Martin, R.P. Evolution of Jaw Length and Evidence of Niche Differentiation in Lanternfishes (Teleostei: Myctophiformes). Seminar Series, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, Minnesota, January 2016. Oral Presentation.
Martin, R.P. & Davis, M.P. Evolution of Jaw Shape and Length Variation in Deep-sea Lanternfishes (Teleostei: Myctophiformes). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Reno, Nevada, July 2015. Poster Presentation. Storer Award for Best Student Poster Ichthyology.
Martin, R.P. & Davis, M.P. Evolution of Jaws and Ecological Niche Specialization in Deep-sea Lanternfishes. Student Research Colloquium, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, April 2015. Poster Presentation.
Martin, R.P. Evolution of Lanternfishes, Wainwright Lab Seminar Series, University of California, Davis, August 2020, Virtual Talk.
Martin, R.P. The Role of Phylogeny in the Evolution of Body Shape of Lanternfishes (Myctophiformes). Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Seminar Series, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, August 2019.
Martin, R.P. My Dive into Deep-Sea Research. STEM Fellows Seminar, St. Benedictine College, Atchinson, KS, November 2018.
Martin, R.P. Bioluminescence in the sea. Red Hot Graduate Research Seminar, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, November 2018.
Martin, R.P. Evolution of Jaw Length and Evidence of Niche Differentiation in Lanternfishes (Teleostei: Myctophiformes). Biology Seminar Series, St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN, January 2016.
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County: Visited collections to dissect myctophid stomachs for research on diet.
Friday Harbor Laboratories Fish Biomechanics Course: Learned collection techniques (trawling, seining, night-lighting, tide-pooling), micro-CT scanning, software programs involving 3D data manipulation, fish biomechanics, manuscript preparation, presentation skills.
University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute: Visited collections to observe and digitize specimens for research.
Deep-sea Pacific Trawl: Identified and collected deep-sea marine fishes and tissue samples from 25 trawls within the La Jolla Fan Valley aboard the R/V Robert Gordon Sproul.
Chicago Field Museum: Visited collections to request loans and to observe and digitize specimens for research.
• Cleared and Stained Fish art piece chosen for BioNexus Science to Art auction, proceeds benefit STEAM education in the KC region
• Four art pieces chosen for LibArt exhibition, University of Kansas, one awarded ‘Top Honors’
• CT Scan art piece chosen for BioNexus Science to Art auction ($375), proceeds benefit STEAM education in the KC region
• Five art pieces chosen for LibArt exhibition, University of Kansas, two awards
• Distinguished Masters Thesis Award - 2017 ($200), St. Cloud State University
• Outstanding Graduate Student Award, St. Cloud State University
• Denise McGuire Student Research Award ($200), St. Cloud State University
• Denise McGuire Student Research Award ($200), St. Cloud State University
• Tracy Storer Award for Best Student Poster, Ichthyology ($300), American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
• Guest Lecturer (virtual) for Marine Ichthyology (BIOL 396), Millersville University, Millersville, PA, July 13th
• Guest Panelist (virtual) for Science and Art, Bay Delta Science Conference, April 7th.
• Guest Panelist (virtual) for Evolutionary Biology, Upward Bound UNITE, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, June 30th.
• Guest Panelist (virtual) for STEM + Art, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, June 11th.
• Judge for Canadian Science Publishing 2021 Visualizing Science contest
• Onshore Scientist for NOAA’s Okeanos Ocean Explorer Midwater dives, June 25th, July 28th
• Co-president of the University of Kansas Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Organization
• Author for the ‘Fisheries Blog,’
• Fundraising Committee, University of Kansas Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Organization
• Guest Lecturer (virtual) ‘Fisheries Sampling Techniques,’ for Limnology (ESCI 230), Peru State College, Peru, NB, October
• Guest Lecturer (virtual) ‘Importance of Museum Collections,’ Gustavus College, St. Peter, MN, January
• Co-president of the University of Kansas Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Organization
• Fundraising Committee, University of Kansas Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Organization
• Student Representative for the Biodiversity Institute Research Planning Committee, University of Kansas Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Organization
• Author for the ‘Fisheries Blog,’
• Science Fair Judge, Langston Hughes Elementary School, Lawrence KS, January
• Student Representative for the Biodiversity Institute Research Planning Committee, University of Kansas Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Organization
• Ichthyology Best Paper in Copeia Committee, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists
• Panorama Grant Committee, University of Kansas Biodiversity Institute
• Social Committee, University of Kansas Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Organization
• Guest Lecturer ‘Beyond and R’ for an Introduction to R Programming course (BIOL 701), University of Kansas
• Student Representative for the Graduate Program Committee, University of Kansas Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Organization
• Member of the Social Committee, University of Kansas Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Graduate Student Organization
• Instructed a 'Crash Course in Adobe Illustrator’ for a STEM Professional Development course (BIOL 420), University of Kansas
• Attended Software Carpentry workshop (Python and Unix Shell) hosted by the Software Carpentry Foundation, University of Kansas
• Attended Webscraping workshop hosted by Dr. Mark Holder and the SACNAS Student Organization, University of Kansas
• Awards Committee, University of Kansas Graduate Student Organization
• President, St. Cloud State Biology Graduate Student Association
• UCE Workshop hosted by the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
• Tutor, Ecology and Field Biology, St. Cloud State University
• Systematics workshop hosted by the Society of Systematic Biologists, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
• Vice President, St. Cloud State Biology Graduate Student Association
• Tutor, Ecology and Field Biology, St. Cloud State University
• Vice President, St. Cloud State Ecology Club
• Volunteer, North American Amphibian Monitoring Program, Minnesota
• Tutor, Ecology and Field Biology, St. Cloud State University
• Vice President, St. Cloud State Ecology Club
• Volunteer, North American Amphibian Monitoring Program, Minnesota
• Tutor, Ecology and Field Biology, St. Cloud State University
• Judge, Central Minnesota Science Fair, St. Cloud State University
• Volunteer, Invasive Plant Monitor, Maplewood Nature Center, Minnesota
• Introduction to Python workshop hosted by the EEB GSO, the SACNAS Student Organization, and Dr. John Kelly, University of Kansas
• Comparative Phylogenetics in R workshop hosted by the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Snowbird, UT.
• Software Carpentry (Python and Unix Shell) workshop hosted by the Software Carpentry Foundation, University of Kansas
• Webscraping workshop hosted by Dr. Mark Holder and the SACNAS Student Organization, University of Kansas
• Python-based UCE Workshop hosted by the University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
• Systematics workshop hosted by the Society of Systematic Biologists, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI